ELD Coordinator: Luke Gutierrez
According to the BUSD Board of Education-approved EL Master Plan, ELs who are “less than reasonably fluent” (beginning to intermediate on the CELDT) must be in a Structured English Immersion program (SEI). This includes an individualized combination of ELD and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) classes. Also, teachers are trained to work with students from non-English speaking backgrounds (through the Constructing Meaning and Systematic ELD).
The unique needs of these ELs are met by the use of instructional methods and materials designed to increase English proficiency
in listening, speaking, reading and writing, and in academic language. Moreover, it is the practice of the Multilingual Program to illustrate to every student and family that the primary language and culture of each student is highly respected and valued. Primary language development for Spanish speakers or heritage speakers of Spanish in the Native Speakers Spanish class or AP Spanish Language or Literature is offered. The Multilingual Program also monitors and supports ELs who have mainstreamed into one of the six Learning Communities at BHS.