The Berkeley Schools Excellence Program [BSEP] is a vital funding source for the Berkeley Public Schools. BSEP funds come from a special local tax, first created in 1986 as a response to Proposition 13 funding shortages. The special tax measure has been renewed, expanded and approved with substantial voter support in 1994, 2004, and 2006. The BSEP Measure provides revenues which total almost $25 million in 2015-16, representing about 20% of the District budget. The funds which are allocated in accordance with the measure to the following purposes:
- Smaller Class Size, Expanded Course Offerings & School Counseling Services (66%)
- School Site Discretionary Funds (10.25%)
- School Libraries (6.25%)
- Music and Visual & Performing Arts (7.25%)
- Parent Outreach (1.25%)
- Professional Development , Program Evaluation , and Technology (9%)
- Public Information, Translation, Community Engagement and Committee Oversight (2% of net)
At Berkeley High, there are three ways in which a parent/guardian, community member, staff member or student may become involved with the decisions made related to the BSEP funds and programs. Please contact the Principal or the District BSEP office if you are interested in serving on a committee this year. All meetings are subject to the Brown Act and are open to public attendance.
District BSEP Planning & Oversight (P&O) Committee
Work with parents/guardians, district staff and students to oversee the plans for spending BSEP funds district-wide on all of the purposes named in the BSEP Measure. You can become one of Berkeley High School’s four representatives and two alternates to the District BSEP Planning & Oversight (P&O) Committee by being selected by the Berkeley High School BSEP Site Committee. The P&O Committee meets once or twice a month on Tuesday evenings at the District Office at 2020 Bonar Street.
This committee reviews Berkeley High’s educational programs and student achievement data, and supports the development and updating of the school-wide Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), which is part of the accreditation process at the high school. In addition to monitoring the Plan, the SSC approves the School Safety Plan and the BSEP Site Plan proposal from the BHS BSEP Site Committee (see below). The SSC usually meets once a month on a Tuesday afternoon at Berkeley HIgh School.
The charge of the School Safety Committee shall be to write, evaluate and update annually a comprehensive school safety plan that addresses the safety concerns of Berkeley High School identified through a systematic planning process. In developing the School Safety Plan, the School Safety Committee shall consult with a representative from the City of Berkeley law enforcement agency, the Alameda County probation agency, the City of Berkeley Public Health and Mental Health agencies and the BHS Student Health Center. The members of the School Safety Committee shall be appointed by the SSC.
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
ELAC is a committee composed of parents, staff, and community members designed to advise school officials on programs and services for our Multilingual Learners, also known as English Learners (ELs). The ELAC serves to empower families with a voice and to partner with staff to improve programs, services, and ultimately the achievement of our Multilingual Learners (ELs). For more information see the California Department of Education webpage.