The Berkeley High eTree is an announcement email list providing information about Berkeley High School to the greater BHS community.
To subscribe, send an e-mail message to with “subscribe” as the first and only word in the subject line.
To unsubscribe, send an e-mail message to with “unsubscribe” as the first and only word in the subject line.
PLEASE NOTE: The system will send a confirmation email; the subscription or unsubscription will not be complete until you follow the link in that email and confirm that you want to subscribe or unsubscribe. Tip: Check your spam folder if you do not see the confirmation message shortly after you subscribe/unsubscribe!
You can also view the eTree archives and eTree Rules for Posting.
BHS E-TREE Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Now that the school year is underway, the BHS E-tree volunteers would like to welcome our new subscribers and welcome back our long-time subscribers! Please encourage all BHS families to subscribe to the E-tree if they haven’t already. The E-tree, as you know, is a valuable source of information for notices about important school events and activities.
If you wish to respond to an E-tree posting, please do not hit reply but direct your message to the contact person who is listed at the top of the postings.
Please be careful when you intend to forward an E-tree message to your child or someone else — oftentimes, our subscribers use REPLY instead of FORWARD, and we must write back to say that the message has not reached their intended recipient. (Note: Sometimes we also receive personal messages that subscribers did not intend to share with us.)
The E-tree is moderated, so when you send your announcements for posting to the E-tree moderators will check for accuracy and appropriateness. The E-tree is used for announcing club meetings, school events, administrative notifications, and similar BHS- and BUSD-sponsored activities. It is not a discussion board or opinion forum.
You can email to ask questions of the moderators prior to posting notices, but you need not do so if you simply want to submit an announcement for posting.
Please read these additional important guidelines on postings:
— Use a descriptive subject line in your message (you don’t need to say “please post”). It should clearly state what the message is about. The line may be edited by the moderators for brevity, and we will add a “tag” (SPORTS, CLUBS, etc.).
— Always include your contact information at the top of every message.
— Please check your message for accuracy of dates, names, links, spelling, room numbers, etc. before sending.
— Send your message early! Please note that it can take the moderators 24-48 hours to complete the final posting, so please allow enough time for getting your notice out. We are parent volunteers who juggle our full-time jobs with our E-tree work; we post items as soon as we are able, but cannot guarantee an immediate response. We also need to allow time to contact you if there are any necessary clarifications to your announcement.
— Due to the high volume of information we are requested to post, we post most items only once.
— Please note that we reserve the right to edit your post to ensure it fits within our guidelines, for clarity, or for another reason.
–Corrections may be posted for inaccuracies in the original post if deemed relevant, but changes cannot, under any circumstances, be made to the BHS Etree archives.
— The moderators do their best to limit postings to BHS- and BUSD-sponsored events and notices. If you have information that you believe would be of interest to the parent/student community at BHS, but it is not specifically a BHS item, we will suggest you submit your information to the Parents of Teens newsletter, which can be found at:
Post a message:
On a normal school day the E-tree sends up to four or five postings. At the beginning and end of the year it can be more than that. We have several suggestions for managing the high volume of email:
a. Delete. The content of each posting is clearly stated in the subject line. If the item is not of interest to you, delete.
b. Set up a separate folder for E-tree messages. Opening the folder on a daily basis it is possible to quickly scan the postings and decide which ones you want to open and read.
c. Finally, a digest version is available. The digest collects all E-tree postings and sends them out in batches, usually twice a day. This sounds better than it is. The digest messages are strung together in one long posting. To read the day’s information it is necessary to scroll down through everything. Attachments are not included in the digest. Often, the messages are a day late. However, if you are still intrigued by the digest and if you did not check the digest option when you subscribed to the E-tree, let us know at and we will switch you over.
It is easy to subscribe to the E-tree. Directions are included at the top of this page, and at the bottom of each posting. However, every now and then a subscription does not “take” (but check your spam folder for the confirmation email and make sure to complete that step!). If this happens to someone you know, have them email us at and we will help. (The same goes for unsubscribing.)
All E-tree postings are archived. To find an old post, go to the E-tree archives at
Chaghig Walker, in her 6th year as an E-tree moderator, is the parent of two BHS grads and a junior in AC.
Charlotte Le Liboux, in her 5th year as an E-tree moderator, is the parent of a BHS grad and a junior in BIHS.
Shirley Hudacko, in her 2nd year as an E-tree moderator, is the parent of a BHS grad, a senior in AC, and a BHS freshman.
Maria Kong, in her 1st year as an E-tree moderator, is the parent of a junior in AC, and a future BHS student.